Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Little Words With Big Meanings

I Love You. Three little words I would use to describe how I feel about you.

I'm Sorry. Two little words I find myself saying a lot lately to you.

Goodbye. One little word I'd never thought I'd have to say, especially to you.

How could one little word carry an infinite amount of weight. "Goodbye" feels like hardly the right words to say, how "good" can this "bye" be when it leaves me utterly missing you? I don't know even where to begin. It seems like a whirlwind of events has transpired since the first day we've met, doesn't it? I can still remember moving to the city this time last year from California. For better or for worse, you were such an integral part of my life since then. You were my constant when my world around me was shaky and unpredictable. And if I had to define New York, your name would surely appear somewhere in this definition because I don't know a New York without you.

I can't believe that our chapter together is coming to an end. We walked the same path together for almost a year and now have we come to that point where the path splits in two, the one on the right with your name and the one on the left with mine? If I think about how we drove each other crazy, it makes sense that we'd part ways. But then I remember the way we used to laugh... laugh so hard we could hardly breathe and our tummies would ache. I don't ever remember laughing so hard with anyone but you.

You didn't always get me, and i didn't always get you, but still we loved each other. I'm sorry for the words i never said, and for those that i wish i could take back. I'm thankful for the way you loved me even in the midst of my ugliness.

The thought of an absence of you pains me

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