Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Extroverted Introvert?

The path to self discovery is a constant process. At times I feel as if I have a good understanding of who I am... but then I will do something completely out of character which makes me take a step back and question myself. I'll think to myself, "Wow, where did that come from?"

I'll start psychoanalyzing myself to shreads. (It doesn't help that I'm currently studying to be a psychoanalyst.) This process could be self destructive if you don't when to stop.

One thing that I have realized about myself is that I thrive off of relationships. Relationships with my family, my girlfriends, my guy friends, a significant other (when applicable), and even random strangers. Someone once asked me a while back if i was an extrovert or an introvert. Before answering I asked, "How do you know?" He simply asked me, "When do you feel the most recharged, when you're surrounded by people or when you are alone?" Hmm... I thought about it for a while. I love being around people and if you know me, people will often call me the social butterfly. However I don't feel recharged around myriads of people, in fact I may feel drained if anything. So I concluded that I was an introvert. I like to reflect in the solitude of my own bedroom as I get lost in my own head.

More recently, I realized that I cannot be alone for long periods of time. Too much time in my own head is never a good idea. I finally figured out when I feel the most recharged... and that is after spending good quality time with just one person (whether friend, family member, or anyone that I connect with).

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